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Small business rebate NSW

09 Jan 2025

NSW offers rebates to small businesses and sole traders who buy and install equipment that makes their workplace safer.

The small business rebate gives up to $500 back to small business owners who buy and install eligible safety items to address a safety problem in their workplace.

Before you apply you must have attended an eligible SafeWork NSW safety workshop, webinar, program, event, or had an advisory visit from a SafeWork NSW officer. All these events and visits are free.

Apply online

Download an application form

Am I eligible for a small business rebate?

If you meet all the following criteria, you are eligible to apply for a small business rebate

  • you have attended an eligible free SafeWork NSW safety workshop, webinar, event, or had an advisory visit from a SafeWork NSW officer
  • you are a small business or sole trader who employs less than 50 people (equivalent full time)
  • you have not previously received a small business rebate from SafeWork or WorkCover NSW
  • you are conducting a commercial business producing goods or providing services in NSW
  • your business is registered in NSW and comes within the scope of the work health and safety legislation in NSW

What can I buy?

There are a wide range of eligible safety items under the below hazard areas:

  • manual tasks – lifting, carrying, handling objects, muscular stress, repetitive work
  • hazardous noise
  • slips, trips and falls, falls from a height
  • injuries from moving objects
  • chemicals and dangerous goods

Check the list of eligible items.

How do I apply?

Within six months of attending the advisory visit, safety workshop, program or event, you must:

Attach a copy of your paid tax invoice and receipt. The items you are claiming for must be paid for, received and installed prior to your application.

Apply online or download a form

What do I need to complete my application?

  • a tax invoice from a supplier with an ABN. The Tax Invoice should show a nil balance or note proof of payment. A 'PAID' stamp across the invoice is not sufficient
  • a receipt for payment in full for the goods (or proof of payment)
  • details of your eligible event – where, when, with whom
  • your business details including ABN, trading name, business bank account and workers compensation policy number (if applicable)

Things to keep in mind

  • you can claim for more than one eligible solution on your application form but can only apply once for the small business rebate. For example, you could purchase a number of safety solutions to prevent falls from a height - such as scaffolding, edge protection and industrial fall arrest equipment - and include all three invoices in your one rebate application form
  • you must buy your goods after your eligible interaction with SafeWork NSW
  • make sure the copies of your tax invoice(s) and receipt(s) you scan and send are clear and easy to read
  • applications are usually processed within 4 weeks of being received (if all information is complete and correct)


Contact SafeWork NSW 13 10 50


Eligible items - small business safety rebate

List of eligible items to purchase for the small business safety rebate

There are a wide range of safety items eligible for purchase under this program. Below we list the hazard areas and the typical, popular items.

Hazardous manual tasks

Lifting, carrying, transporting


  • manual,  mechanical, hydraulic, vacuum or magnetic lifting devices
  • hoist, crane,  fork lift, tool suppression system
  • adjustable loading platform, jigs, trestles, racking or stacking systems
  • conveyor  or elevator systems, stock picking machine
  • access ramps, skids, tailgate lifter, dock leveller
  • patient handling and/or transfer devices
  • animal handling

Items should be designed to limit issues that arise due to manual handling, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving, holding or restraining in workflows. Where specific standards apply to items eg. Australian Standards, the item should comply with that standard.

Typical items include:

  • trolleys
  • ute cranes
  • pallet rollers
  • stockyard systems
  • pen doors/chutes
  • drafting gates
  • overhead shearing plant
  • warehouse racking
  • light-weight portable fencing

Handling objects


  • pulley system and harnesses for confined spaces
  • back-pack industrial equipment
  • rotary, tilt and carousel table/platform
  • power stretchers for carpet installation

Typical items include:

  • industrial backpack vacuum cleaners, sprayers
  • telephone headsets – hands free

Muscular stress


  • adjustable or tilting work bench, table, or work station
  • ergonomic adjustable work vehicle  seats including anti-vibration and all spring suspension
  • anti-fatigue and high density, absorbent floor matting

Typical items include:

  • anti-fatigue mats
  • adjustable examination table
  • ergonomic truck seat

Repetitive work


  • retractable hoses/leads
  • low vibration, ergonomic equipment

Typical items include:

  • pneumatic nail gun

Slips, trips, and falls

Falls from a height


  • portable ladders, steps or platforms
  • accessories for fixed access ladder – eg cage
  • scaffolding or elevating work platforms
  • warning signage (including translated safety signage)
  • industrial fall arrest systems, harness support and devices, rope access equipment
  • physical restraint barrier and guard railing systems
  • extension equipment for height access – eg water jets for window height
  • emergency position-indicating radio beacons – 406 MHz (EPIRBs)
  • pit cover or open penetration and void protection
  • mechanical tripod to support people, loads and materials being lifted or lowered from openings

Typical items include:

  • ladders
  • retractable stairs
  • harnesses
  • roof anchors
  • guard rails
  • grab rails/handles
  • stair treads
  • edge protection
  • rails, and screens

Falls on the same level


  • installation of improved general, entrance or exit lighting
  • portable or battery-powered lighting and generators
  • anti-slip treading or matting
  • surface treatment machinery,
  • installation of balancers or restraint supports to mount processing equipment, tools, power cords, leads or hoses to prevent trip hazards.
  • cable guards, hose suspension system or stand
  • storage system to improve work design

Typical items include:

  • pressure cleaners
  • lighting
  • racking systems
  • stair capping,
  • nosings and safe plates

Stepping, kneeling or sitting on objects


Kneeling pads and knee protection equipment

Typical items include:

  • kneepads
  • support frames for kneeling and stooping

Injuries from moving objects

Being hit or bitten by an animal


  • animal restraint equipment or device
  • sliding segregation gate for livestock transport vehicles

Typical items include:

  • cattle crush
  • lamb marking cradle
  • head bales
  • race panels

Being hit by falling and stationary objects


  • guard and foot rails
  • falling object protective barrier
  • signage for access / egress (including translated safety signage)
  • restraint supports for equipment and tools
  • vehicle load covers and load restraints

Typical items include:

  • cargo nets
  • tarp covers
  • fixed nets
  • pallet nets
  • mesh canopies
  • tarp spreader
  • tag lines
  • non-rebounding tensioners or strapping to secure loads

Colliding with moving or stationary objects


  • warning/safety lights
  • corner vision or convex mirrors
  • traffic management tools
  • reversing cameras, sensor devices or alarms
  • elevated walkway or pedestrian crossing gates
  • safety  cages or guarding  for tyre rim assembly/fitting
  • stanchions or chocks to secure log stacking

Typical items include:

  • signage (including translated safety signage)
  • reversing cameras
  • marking
  • safety cone
  • flag, barricade or bunting
  • bollards

Being trapped by machinery or equipment


  • machine guarding
  • emergency stop switches
  • power take off guards
  • for tractors only: rollover protective structures (ROPs), runover  protective devices, and side access steps/platforms

Typical items include:

  • safety bar for wool press
  • cut out switch
  • forklift spring belts

Being assaulted


  • communication radios or vehicle tracking systems
  • closed circuit television (CCTV)
  • high-value goods storage – eg drop/time-delay safes
  • installation of improved internal/external security lighting

Typical items include:

  • Personal duress alarms

Chemicals and dangerous goods

Contact with chemicals, substances or sun exposure


  • chemical/dangerous goods (DG) storage cabinets or wire mesh secure partitioning
  • bunding, spills containment system
  • installation of safe ventilation, exhaust or extraction systems
  • air filtering systems for machinery
  • dust suppression tools and attachments
  • asbestos and hazardous dust vacuum cleaners with dust class level ‘H’ filter and compliant with AS 60335.2.69:2003
  • detection system, alarm or shut  down device Installation or repositioning of emergency stop buttons
  • closed chemical delivery system
  • automatic chemical dispensing system
  • chemical signage, marking and placarding system (including translated safety signage)
  • bottom fill equipment for fuel tanks
  • sun shade protection for rural and outdoor work areas

Typical items include:

  • specialised dust extraction units
  • CO2 monitor
  • gazebos, marquees
  • sharps disposal container

Hazardous noise

Exposure to sound


  • sound absorbent surface/film, barriers or screens to block direct path of sound
  • enclosures, door seals or sound proof covers around noise sources
  • acoustic silencers or mufflers for intake or exhaust systems
  • specialised personal hearing protectors, as part of hearing conservation program
  • signage to indicate areas of hazardous noise and protection required (including translated safety signage)
  • visual warning signal system
  • hand-held noise monitor

Excluded items

Items not eligible

  • GST, freight and insurance costs
  • the design and manufacture of new safety items or items that you have had designed and manufactured to your specifications. Items must be existing manufactured items that meet relevant standards and available from commercial outlets
  • purchase of raw materials, for example making shelves from wood, nails, screws
  • service repairs or maintenance eg. engine and motors
  • sponsorship arrangements, including funding of events, educational programs or materials, advertising, or consultants
  • normal business operating expenses, including general business administration, computers and software, ergonomic furniture (items such as chairs, keyboard and mouse), housekeeping, amenities, assets/equipment, repairs, maintenance, servicing
  • normal safety requirements including licensing, certification, fines, testing and auditing services, return-to-work, rehabilitation, counselling or vaccination services
  • training fees or courses – training needs to be reinforced with safety tools eg knowledge of manual handling needs to be supported with the right manual handling equipment or modifications to the work environment in order to have greatest impact on injuries
  • personal protective equipment (PPE) - for the majority of risks, PPE is deemed to be the lowest control, and funds should not subsidise perishable items eg sun creams, disposable gloves, vests, etc. PPE items are not presently covered in current rebate programs
  • non-tangible items - safety solutions need to have a direct impact on safety, and clear eligibility criteria in order to approve and process rebate payments
  • backdated improvements made prior to attending an eligible SafeWork NSW safety event
  • domestic, recreational or social products or equipment including items for home-based businesses that may be deemed as being used for domestic/household purposes or contributing to the value of residential assets.
  • items and services that are not purchased from a registered business ABN/ACN/BRN and do not meet all relevant standards, approvals, local government and legislative requirements.


Posted in Safety News Special Offers By 

SafeWork NSW

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