Suppliers Purchase Orders

Suppliers Purchase Orders

Tax Invoices must be attached to orders. We do not accept goods with only packing slips. Please note we can only book/receipt goods into our system upon arrival into store.

Inv/despatch after the 25th of each month. THE GOODs will be receipted into the Admin System for the following month. 

If this order is received after the 25th of the month, please hold for dispatch and invoicing on the 1st of the following month, unless otherwise stated and signed off for by Store personnel.

  1. We reserve the right to cancel orders not executed by the date specified on this order.
  2. Acceptance of this order allows us to use images and supplier intellectual property to promote the supplier's goods and services on company media outlets for 5 years from date of order or until all stock holding has been sold.
  3. Where relivant all product must comply with Australian Standards, or CE Standards. Please supply certificate to verify.
  4. The order is placed on the condition that the manufacturer or supplier accepts total responsability for any claim against the purchaser for faulty, incorrect or sub-standard goods supplied.
  5. A full copy of our purchasng terms are available upon request.