Ergonomically designed to be used as a single person fall protection device. The 2m Aero-Bloc’s lightweight compact design fits comfortably to the users harness keeping the Aero-Bloc out of the workers way.
- Lightweight compact unit.
- SafetyLink’s Aero-Bloc has a clear durable housing for ease of unit inspection.
- External shock pack with durable cover.
- 140kg user rating.
- Aluminium connectors with 16kN gate strength.
- Available in both Snap hook and Rebar hooks.
- Innovative quick connector available on the twin lifelines, allowing the users ease on connection.
Ergonomically designed to be used as a single person fall protection device. The Aero-Bloc’s lightweight compact design fits comfortably to the users harness keeping the Aero-Bloc out of the workers way.
- Lightweight compact unit.
- SafetyLink’s Aero-Bloc has a clear durable housing for ease of unit inspection.
- Built in energy absorber.
- 140kg user rating when connecting to anchorages up to 600mm below the harness attachment location.
- Aluminium connectors with 16kN gate strength. Available in both Snap hook and Rebar hooks.
- The housing is constructed from high strength plastic.
- Innovative quick connector to the harness allowing the users ease on connection.